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I’d like to thank everyone who attended last night’s general meeting. Many in attendance were (and are) very passionate on this subject. Even so, I felt everyone was respectful during the meeting and since I am very new at this, I am grateful for that courtesy.
At the meeting a motion was made and seconded to vote on the opposition to the proposed communications tower in Cook’s Butte Park. By far most in attendance were opposed to the proposal. I would like to add some context to that vote. There are 1500 (at least) households in the Palisades neighborhood. The PNA board feels its responsibility is to represent as much as possible the sentiment of the entire neighborhood on any particular matter, not solely those opposed, or for that matter in support of, any particular measure. To that end, we created the survey on the PNA website to allow anyone in the neighborhood to express their opinion on the proposed communications tower. However, some at the meeting felt that the survey did not provide enough information or clarity so the board agreed to let several volunteers help us edit the survey to better present the proposal. When the revised survey is ready, we’ll re-post it on this site and do our best to notify everyone by various other means as well. Following the survey, we’ll compile the results and include them (as well as the vote results from the general meeting) in an association statement to the city planning staff. That statement will be entered into the record for consideration by the Development Review Commission. While no survey is perfect, we hope to get a sense of the entire neighborhood’s opinion on the proposal. We urge everyone in the Palisades neighborhood to participate.