Board Meeting (neighbors welcome)


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Thurs. August 8 @ 7 PM
  • Subject to change without notice.
  • Board Meetings are on the 2nd Thursday of most months via Zoom.
  • We encourage neighborhood participation – see notes.*

  • PRE-MEETING SOCIAL TIME – 6:45 PM All are welcome!

  • MEETING START – 7:00 PM – Frederique Lavios, Chair

  • BOARD MEMBER ROLL CALL – Acting Secretary

    – Jon Thies, Treasurer

      • Status of PNA funds
      • Fundraising Results to date
      • Donation update
      • Requests for city funded neighborhood assoc. projects (formerly NEP grants)
      • Audience Q &A*
    • Approval of minutes from previous meeting – Acting Secretary

    • CHAIR REPORT – Frederique Lavios, Chair

      • Latest news
      • New Motions
      • Audience Q &A*
    • TBD
      – Audience Q &A*
    • TRAFFIC AND PATHWAY – Rob Heape, Committee Coor.
      • Update on status of communication with the City, City Council and Lake Oswego School District (LOSD) 
      • Next steps
        – Audience Q & A*

    •  WEBSITE – Joe Avila, Committee Coor.
      – Audience Q &A*


      Fate of South Shore Fire Station – Rick Eilers
      Update on Be Two Weeks Ready Program
      First Aid and other programs offered to the PNA by first responders

    • Updates by Roger Gray, re: Power Outages and Safety in our Neighborhood 

      • Responses from the City Manager, PGE and Oregon Public Utilities Commission (OPUC) to letter from the PNA to them about “Reliability and Safety Concerns of our Neighborhood and Homes”
      • Next steps
        – Audience Q &A*

  • PUBLIC COMMENT (for items not listed above)

    • LAND USE – Meg Wilkinson, Committee Member
      – Audience Q &A*

    • PARKS – Nancy Sage, Committee Coor.
      – Audience Q &A*

Meeting Etiquette:
  • 2 min. limit per person so that all can be heard;
  • Please keep your comments respectful and relevant. While we respect and encourage differences of opinion we reserve the right to cease unproductive commentary;
  • Use the Zoom ‘chat’ or ‘raise hand’ icon if you have a comment or question
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Neighborhood Enhancement Program (NEP) Project Coordinator

Primary Role:

  • Handles NEP grant applications, grant approvals, reviews receipts for reimbursement and is the single point of contact between the entire Palisades Neighborhood Association (PNA) and the City.
  • To be successfull in this role you should be organized, communicative.
  • Time commitment: From 8-12 hrs. throughout the year


  • Accepting NEP proposals: Anyone living in the Palisades Neighborhood Association can submit proposal(s) to the NEP Coordinator along with estimated costs throughout the year. They should follow the application guidelines and answer the questions related to their proposal.
  • PNA Board will Vote on Which Items To Include in our NEP Proposal: During the month of March PNA board meeting the NEP Coordinator asks the board to vote on the proposed item(s). NEP Coordinator encourages person(s) proposing the item(s) to attend the meeting to answer questions that might come up. The PNA board then votes on which items should be included in the NEP grant proposal.
  • Developing and Submitting the NEP Grant Proposalt: During the NEP grant proposal period (usually the month of May) the NEP Project Coordinator:
    • Fills out the NEP grant proposal application based on items approved by the PNA Board;
    • Gets sign offs from the PNA Chair
    • Submits the proposal form to the city in early May for the initial review process
    • Provides additional information requested by the city
    • Revises and submits the final application to the City by the deadline (typically May 31).

What Happens Next:

  • Iris McCaleb from the City forwards the NEP grant proposals to the grant review committee and then to the City Council who review it and awards certain grants.The NEP Coordinator will receive a letter of award from the City and will share it with the PNA Leadership Team.
  • As items are purchased from the approved grant list, the project close-out form is filled out by the person requesting reimbursement. They will attach digital copies of receipts and photos and then submit all to both the NEP Project Coordinator and the PNA Chair. The NEP Project Coordinator submits the reimbursement request to Iris at the City for reimbursement.
  • Reimbursement checks are then sent directly to the person who purchased the item(s).