Board Members

We are 100% volunteer based. Want to help your community? Meet more neighbors? There are all kinds of opportunities large and small, behind the scenes or out in front. Contact our board here.

Frederique Lavios

Frederique Lavios



Vice Chair



Jon Thies


Jon Thies

Area 1 Rep

Charlie Buck

Charlie Buck

Area 2 Rep

Joe Avila

Area 3 Rep

Jenny Cherrytree

Jenny Cherrytree

Area 4 Rep

Carrie Love

Carrie Love

Area 5 Rep


Area 6 Rep

Roger Gray

Roger Gray

Area 7 Rep

Nancy Sage

Nancy Sage

Area 8 Rep

Meg Wilkinson

Area 9 Rep


Area 10 Rep

Rob Heape

Rob Heape

Area 11 Rep

Harold Rust

Harold Rust

Area 12 Rep


Area 13 Rep

Area Representatives

Area representatives work for the  betterment and general improvement of their community. It is a chance to have a voice and impact on both neighborhood and City business. It is also a wonderful way to get to know your neighbors and your community. The Palisades Neighborhood Association (PNA)  has 13 separate areas, each with their own area rep. The area rep term is for one year but reps can run as often as they wish.


The Chair shall preside at all meetings of the PNA; shall be a member, ex officio, of all committees with the exception of the nominating committee; shall represent PNA in person or by a designated representative at public functions; shall establish such committees as may be appropriate to accomplish the purposes of the PNA; shall be responsible for maintaining liaison with private or public organizations whose operations may impact the neighborhood, and for providing information to the membership concerning pertinent activities of these organizations; and shall perform other such duties as may be assigned by the PNA Board.


The Vice Chair is an aide to the Chair, serves as Chair in their absence, and performs other duties as may be assigned by the Chair or the Board. The Vice Chair has backup responsibility for meeting notifications, whenever the Secretary is unable to fulfill those obligations.


The Secretary is responsible for all correspondence and is responsible for meeting notifications. The Secretary prepares and maintains complete records of all meetings of the PNA and of the Board, which records will be prepared within twenty-one (21) days after the respective meetings, and will perform such other duties as may be assigned by the Chair or the Board. General and Board meetings records will be provided to the City of Lake Oswego, as requested. The Secretary is also responsible for annually required contact information for officers with the city and staff.


The Treasurer keeps financial records in accordance with accepted accounting practices; ascertains that all transactions are in the approved format; sees that all drafts are appropriately countersigned; and performs other duties as may be assigned by the Chair or the Board.

Area Rep

Area representatives work for the  betterment and general improvement of their community. It is a chance to have a voice and impact on both neighborhood and City business. It is also a wonderful way to get to know your neighbors and your community. The Palisades Neighborhood Association (PNA)  has 13 separate areas, each with their own area rep. The area rep term is for one year but reps can run as often as they wish.

What does an Area Rep do?

  • Attend at least 6 PNA Board meetings via Zoom and 1 PNA General Meetings per year to stay up-to-date on what’s happening in our neighborhood;
  • Give input on neighborhood related topics;
  • Communicate neighborhood concerns to the PNA if they are brought to you;
  • Opportunity to get involved in some capacity in special projects – such as park improvements, emergency preparedness, events, traffic-pathway-safety, or other areas of interest in the Palisades area.

Expected Time Investment: About 2-3 hrs. per month

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