For the last couple of years the Palisades Neighborhood Association (PNA) board has been addressing the increased neighborhood feedback regarding unsafe traffic and parking around Lakeridge High School. We have been in continuous conversation with the police department, Lakeridge High School staff and L.O. School District regarding the increasing unsafe traffic violations and parking issues around the highschool.
I am happy to say that our collective voices are being heard. From Rob Heape, PNA Board member and Traffic Committee Coordinator, “Big thanks to LOPD for their efforts in enforcement and safety of the neighborhood. As we all know, one of the safety hotspots is Treetop. This morning during student arrivals LOPD was directing their attention to this area due to inputs and concerns from the neighborhood. LOPD takes all of our concerns seriously. It is not the efforts of any 1 individual but the efforts of the community and neighborhood. “
Thank you to Palisades neighbors who shared theirr input! Great to know we’re moving the needle collectively.
Meg Wilkinson, PNA Board member, wrote, “Rob played a large part in increasing enforcement, but it was also a commitment from Megan Phelan to keep up the enforcement. Additionally, I know people are calling in every illegally parked car that they come across. I have met the SRO for the Lakeridge section and she has done a good job.“