Committee Coordinators

We are 100% volunteer based. Want to help your community? Meet more neighbors? There are all kinds of opportunities large and small, behind the scenes or out in front.

Frederique Lavios

Emergency Preparedness Committee Coordinator

Carrie Love

Carrie Love

E-Newsletter Committee Coordinator

Chris Durkee

Chris Durkee

Land Use Committee Coordinator

Nancy Sage

Nancy Sage

Parks Committee Coordinator

Mark Thornburg

Mark Thornburg

Emergency Communications Coordinator

David Westerdahl

Events Committee Coordinator

You? Position Is Open.

Sustainability Committee Coordinator

Rob Heape

Rob Heape

Traffic Committee Coordinator

Annie Miller

Anni Miller

Tree Permit Committee Coordinator

Jon Thies

Neighborhood Enhancement Program (NEP) Grant Coordinator

Joe Avila

Joe Avila

Webmaster Committee Coordinator

Emergency Preparedness Coordinator

Primary Role:

  • Advises and supports neighbors in best practices for personal and community pre-emergency preparedness and post-emergency directions and guidelines. The Palisades Neighborhood Association (PNA) relies on the Emergency Prep. Coordinator(s) and for information and guidance in this area. 

If you’d like to get involved with our Emergency Preparedness Committee, please contact us here.

E-Newsletter Committee

E-Newsletter Coordinator Responsibilities:

  • Securely maintain database of subscribers;
  • Create E-mail blasts (content and design provided) to send out to all subscribers (preferably at least once a month) as directed by the Chair (Breaking News, Upcoming Meetings, Meeting Minutes, Emergency Preparation Information, etc.);
  • Monitor and report subscriber and readership statistics at Palisades Neighborhood Assoc. (PNA) meetings.

Land Use Committee

The role of the Land Use Coordinator is to be the contact person for the city Planning Department for all land use applications including Pre-Application conferences and Residential Infill Development (RID) variance applications. 

The Coordinator assembles a team of volunteer Pre-Application conference representatives who will become trained to attend the Pre-App conferences as neutral representatives of the Palisades Neighborhood Association.

The Coordinator will either attend the Pre-App conference, or arrange for a member of the team to attend. For some projects, the Coordinator may arrange for up to 2 people from the team to attend.

If appropriate, the Coordinator notifies the PNA Chair, Vice Chair, and Area Representative regarding the proposed project and discusses whether or not to escalate it to the full PNA board. 

The conference representative(s) will follow up the conference with a brief report to the Coordinator and Area Representative with any observations and concerns. 

Volunteers can be “certified” to attend Pre-Application conferences by participating in a one hour +/- training session (soon to be available on-line) provided by the Planning Department. To get scheduled for training, contact Kat Kluge, or the Land Use Coordinator.

Here is an overview from the Planning Department regarding Pre-Application conferences and the role of representatives from a neighborhood association:

What is a Pre-Application conference?

The pre-application conference provides an opportunity for an individual seeking a development permit to learn about the zoning, development ordinances and procedures required to complete a land use/development application.  These conferences are required of all minor and major development proposals.  The conference occurs, at a cost to the applicant, prior to submission of a formal development application.  Neighborhood participation in these meetings will help inform the applicant of potential issues they may encounter working in your neighborhood.  Because your association is better positioned to share that information than anyone else, your participation is particularly important.

Who from the neighborhood associations can attend pre-application conferences?

Each neighborhood association delegates up to two members to attend pre-application meetings for sites located in that neighborhood association’s boundaries and then report back to the larger group.  Before they can attend, your representatives must complete a pre-application training session by the City, usually offered in the spring and fall each year [soon to be available on line].  The training will help them understand the purpose of a pre-application conference and their role in the process.  There is no limitation on how many members of your association complete the pre-app training session, but attendance at an actual pre-application conference is limited to two association representatives. 

Your association can choose how many delegates to send to the City training, but there are a few things you should keep in mind when selecting representatives:

  • Availability: Pre-application conferences are held on Thursdays at 1:15 pm, 2:30 pm or 3:45 pm.  Your representative should be available to attend meetings during these hours. 
  • Understanding of land use issues:  An understanding of land use issues and the development process would be useful.  Your representative should be capable of understanding the application process and able to learn about how developments are regulated by the City.
  • Ability to represent the neighborhood:  Your representative should be someone who understands the common concerns of your neighborhood and can speak for the majority as well as minority points of view. 
  • Capacity for clear communication: A pre-application conference is an informational meeting held for the benefit of the person applying for a Development permit.  Your representative should be someone who can diplomatically and clearly communicate to others about the issues without being confrontational.

Parks Committee

The Parks and Rec coordinator acts as a liaison with City’s Parks and Rec staff. Responsibilities include everything related to acquiring information about Parks and Rec future plans and projects with enough details to determine whether the goals of the P&R team align with those of our neighborhood. The coordinator will join meetings, surveys and studies by P&R aimed at understanding the citizens viewpoint.

Activities of this committee may include:

  • Attending P&R open house events
  • Attending P&R public meetings
  • Visiting P&R website for new information
  • Reading project plans for upcoming projects to assess alignment with neighborhood wishes
  • Interface with the P&R project manager to ask and answer questions
  • Involve the PNA board regarding concerns or to solicit opinions for planned P&R actions

Estimated time commitment: 2 hours to 8 hours per month.

Events Committee

We are always actively looking for individuals who want to join the Palisades Neighborhood Association, and our events committee is always in need of a helping hand. We are looking for passionate individuals who enjoy being social, planning neighborhood events, has wonderful personable skills and is eager to better their community through social gatherings. Our events committee is new (since 2023), so we are looking for individuals who can help build this committee.


  • Attend monthly PNA board and semi-annual General Meetings whenever possible
  • Join the PNA Trello Board and be active within the association
  • Work with fellow event committee members to organize association events
  • Active participation within your capability
  • Public Posts: When you have information to share publicly you can email it to the PNA Chair, preferably one week or more in advance. Public postings include, our e-newsletter and social media sites (PNA’s Facebook page and NextDoor).

Sustainability Committee

The Neighborhood Association Sustainability Board position is a critical role that involves promoting sustainable practices and environmentally friendly initiatives within a neighborhood association. As a member of the board, you will work with other community members to develop and implement strategies that reduce the environmental impact of the neighborhood, enhance its resilience to environmental challenges, and promote a healthy and sustainable living environment for all residents.

Key responsibilities of the Neighborhood Association Sustainability Board position may include:

1. Developing and implementing sustainability plans: The sustainability board will be responsible for developing a comprehensive sustainability plan that outlines the goals, objectives, and strategies for achieving sustainable practices within the neighborhood association.

2. Promoting energy conservation and efficiency: The board will work with residents and local businesses to promote energy conservation and efficiency practices, such as reducing energy consumption, using renewable energy sources, and improving energy efficiency in homes and buildings.

3. Waste reduction and recycling: The board will develop and implement strategies for reducing waste and increasing recycling within the neighborhood, such as promoting composting, organizing community recycling events, and encouraging residents to reduce their use of single-use plastics.

4. Water conservation: The board will work to promote water conservation practices, such as promoting the use of rainwater harvesting systems, encouraging residents to use water-efficient appliances and fixtures, and promoting xeriscaping and other water-efficient landscaping practices.

5. Community education and outreach: The sustainability board will be responsible for educating and engaging the community about sustainability practices and initiatives. This may include organizing workshops, events, and other educational programs to promote sustainability awareness and encourage participation in sustainable practices.

To be successful in this position, you should have a strong interest in sustainability and a desire to make a positive impact in your community. You should also possess excellent communication and interpersonal skills, as you will need to work closely with residents, businesses, and community organizations to promote sustainability initiatives and build community support. Experience in sustainability-related fields, such as energy management, waste reduction, or environmental policy, may also be beneficial.

Optionally, the Sustainability Coordinator can create educational content monthly or quarterly.  Content can be added to the website or shared however the board recommends. See ‘Sustainability’ section on this website for examples.

Traffic & Pathway Committee

The Traffic Committee Coordinator serves as the liaison between the Palisades Neighborhood Association (PNA) and the Lake Oswego Police Department (LOPD), the City of Lake Oswego Traffic Engineer, the Lake Oswego School District (LOSD) and Oregon Dept. of Transportation (ODOT). The purpose of this committee is communicate issues and propose solutions to the PNA Board and the related public agencies above.


  • Attend City of Lake Oswego quarterly Transportation Advisory Board meetings (every-other month on the third Thursday at 7pm – 8:30 pm) plus time to prepare notes to share at the next PNA Board meeting);
  • Attend monthly PNA board and semi-annual General Meetings whenever possible;
  • Respond to emails sent to at least once a week;
    • Assess and address Palisades neighbors’ traffic, pathway and road safety issues;
    • If appropriate direct neighbors to our web page, “How to Communicate Traffic Concerns” as their first recourse and encourage them to contact you again if they don’t get satisfaction;
    • Coordinate messaging with the PNA Chair who will communicate concerns and possible solutions to the related organization(s) above and cc the Traffic Committee Coor.;
  • Next steps: If a traffic concern needs to be escalated (e.g. a significant number of Palisades residents report the same or similar concern) :
    • Meet with your Traffic Committee members and discuss the concern(s), proposed solutions and action items.
    • Document your committee’s activities including meeting minutes via the Traffic Trello board
    • Share a two minute (or less) report at the next PNA Board and General Meetings. Let the PNA Chair know if you need more time. If you can not attend you can have someone else read it.
    • Share your report via with the PNA Secretary, preferably at least one week before the next PNA Board meeting. (Makes minutes easier to write up.)
  • Public Posts: When you have information to share publicly you can email it to the PNA Chair, preferably one week or more in advance. Public postings include, our e-newsletter and social media sites (PNA’s Facebook page and NextDoor).

Tree Permit Committee

Primary Role:

  • Handling of Type II tree permit applications which concern residential property for the entire Palisades Neighborhood Association (PNA), as they are related to PNA’s role in the application process.


  • The PNA Tree Permit Coordinator (TPC) is the single point of contact with the City of Lake Oswego and receives notices. The TPC determines which PNA area the property is in and forwards the request to the respective PNA Area Representative (AR). The AR may then choose from the following options: Engage personally, request the TPC to work with them in a joint engagement, or defer it back to the TPC. The AR will be presumed to be handling the matter, unless they respond back to the TPC and notify them otherwise. In any case, the TPC will perform the following services when practical:
    • The AR’s responsibility is to review the application, and respond as they see fit, in keeping with their area’s specific views on trees, and how that relates to the specific tree(s) involved with the application. The most common result is expected to be that there is no characteristic about the tree that warrants further action. And, in such cases, the AR can simply take no further action on it. However, if there is something about one or more of the trees involved with the application that the AR thinks further action is warranted, the AR can talk to the applicant directly (encouraged, before other further action is taken), ask the TPC for help/advice, submit astatement into the record for the application, or bring it to the entire PNA board for possible Board action. Note that the AR is not allowed to go onto the applicant’s property, without the resident’s permission.
  • For areas that have no AR active when the application is being processed, the TPC will, at their discretion, either process it as if it is located within the TPC’s area, or send the relevant information about it to the PNA webmaster so that an email about it can be sent to the residents in that area, from the PNA members’ contact list.
  • The TPC will communicate all significant activity to the applicable AR and/or the PNA Chairperson. This is not expected to include routine applications, or when no further action is deemed necessary.
  • The TPC reviews permits as submitted, balancing property rights with desired native tree support and provision of native plant alternatives for mitigation plants and trees.
  • The TPC may visit the site to assess circumstances and escalate to PNA Chair for action or appeal if compelling neighborhood interest is present (it is estimated that 90% of permits will not require escalation.) Note that the TPC is not allowed to go onto the applicant’s property, without the resident’s permission.
  • If a permit is escalated to the PNA Chairperson, the Chair is responsible to organize PNA board review and action or appeal as voted on by the PNA board.
  • The TPC acts as a resource to answer questions and educate property owners regarding existing codes and permits and possible native plant alternatives for remediation.
  • The TPC will keep an ongoing log of the applications that have been processed, and note at least the following data, when practical: Application #, Prop. Owner/Applicant Name, Prop. Address, Area #, Date Submitted, Date of Tent. Decision, Which type (Outgr. Area, Landsc. Impr., or Develop.), if Significant Tree, if Appealed, if Approved or Denied, and if PNA Took Action.
  • The TPC coordinates activities with the Oswego Lake Watershed Council’s Tree Committee.

If you’d like to get involved with our Tree and Parks Committee, please contact us here.

Neighborhood Enhancement Program (NEP) Project Coordinator

Primary Role:

  • Handles NEP grant applications, grant approvals, reviews receipts for reimbursement and is the single point of contact between the entire Palisades Neighborhood Association (PNA) and the City.
  • To be successfull in this role you should be organized, communicative.
  • Time commitment: From 8-12 hrs. throughout the year


  • Accepting NEP proposals: Anyone living in the Palisades Neighborhood Association can submit proposal(s) to the NEP Coordinator along with estimated costs throughout the year. They should follow the application guidelines and answer the questions related to their proposal.
  • PNA Board will Vote on Which Items To Include in our NEP Proposal: During the month of March PNA board meeting the NEP Coordinator asks the board to vote on the proposed item(s). NEP Coordinator encourages person(s) proposing the item(s) to attend the meeting to answer questions that might come up. The PNA board then votes on which items should be included in the NEP grant proposal.
  • Developing and Submitting the NEP Grant Proposalt: During the NEP grant proposal period (usually the month of May) the NEP Project Coordinator:
    • Fills out the NEP grant proposal application based on items approved by the PNA Board;
    • Gets sign offs from the PNA Chair
    • Submits the proposal form to the city in early May for the initial review process
    • Provides additional information requested by the city
    • Revises and submits the final application to the City by the deadline (typically May 31).

What Happens Next:

  • Iris McCaleb from the City forwards the NEP grant proposals to the grant review committee and then to the City Council who review it and awards certain grants.The NEP Coordinator will receive a letter of award from the City and will share it with the PNA Leadership Team.
  • As items are purchased from the approved grant list, the project close-out form is filled out by the person requesting reimbursement. They will attach digital copies of receipts and photos and then submit all to both the NEP Project Coordinator and the PNA Chair. The NEP Project Coordinator submits the reimbursement request to Iris at the City for reimbursement.
  • Reimbursement checks are then sent directly to the person who purchased the item(s).


Webmaster Responsibilities:

  • Update post content weekly as provided by the Chair (Breaking News, Upcoming Meetings, Meeting Minutes, Emergency Preparation Information, etc.)
  • Server management and maintenance of the domain, website and email boxes
  • Create interactive forms and surveys on the website as provided by the Chair
  • Repost our posts on PNA’s social media sites (Facebook and Nextdoor);
  • Post approved meeting minutes, preferably within a week of receiving them
  • Update Board and Committee Coordinator passwords and log in credentials as those positions move to new people.
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