Events Committee

We are always looking for community members that want to be involved. Let us know how you’d like to help. Fill out our Join Us! form.

We are always actively looking for individuals who want to join the Palisades Neighborhood Association, and our events committee is always in need of a helping hand. We are looking for passionate individuals who enjoy being social, planning neighborhood events, has wonderful personable skills and is eager to better their community through social gatherings. Our events committee is new (since 2023), so we are looking for individuals who can help build this committee.


  • Attend monthly PNA board and semi-annual General Meetings whenever possible
  • Join the PNA Trello Board and be active within the association
  • Work with fellow event committee members to organize association events
  • Active participation within your capability
  • Public Posts: When you have information to share publicly you can email it to the PNA Chair, preferably one week or more in advance. Public postings include, our e-newsletter and social media sites (PNA’s Facebook page and NextDoor).
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